CRM and Google Analytics Integration

Discover Where Your Most Profitable Customers Come From

Not all leads are created equal. The key to growth is finding out which channels are driving sales and which are a waste of your marketing budget.

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Trusted by Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders

Stop paying for leads that don't convert

If you're like many businesses, your CRM system doesn't show you the source of
your web leads. This could be causing you to spend a big chunk of your marketing budget on
low-quality leads that don't convert.

You need more than form fills and goal
completions to make marketing decisions

It's not enough to measure form fills, since different traffic sources attract clients of drastically different quality. One channel may generate a handful of high-converting long-term clients, while another may generate nothing but unqualified leads. The only way to evaluate a marketing approach is to track the revenue it generated.

By default, Google Analytics doesn't track offline revenue

Most sales don't happen online; they are closed by sales reps, either in person or over the phone. By default, Google Analytics doesn't have access to these sales, so you have no idea how much revenue was generated by a certain approach, ad, article, or keyword. This results in spending money on leads that don't buy anything.

GA Connector imports information about the
website visitors into sales software

Helping you understand where your leads and sales came from

First Click Information
Find out information about your leads' first touchpoint. Track where they came from, whether they are organic, referral or social leads.

Last Click Information
See lead-source information before they make the sale or became a lead.

Other information
Aside from both first and last click data, GA Connector allows you to see information such as device used, geolocation data and other GA4 information.

GA Connector also imports stats on closed deals from
Salesforce, Pipedrive, Hubspot, and Zoho CRM to GA4

As well as qualified leads, closed won deals and other custom data from your CRM

GA4 Report with GA Connector
GA4 Report with GA Connector

Sales Software That We Support

With some configuration, GA Connector can work with any CRM or database

See All Integrations

Here is what Google Analytics & Sales
integration allows you to do

GA Connector gives you control over the kind of customers your business is attracting

Real Dollar Value

Measure the actual dollar value of
each campaign and channel.

Multi-Channel Attribution

Track the first-click channel, the last-click
channel and all the channels in between.

Increase Marketing ROI

Invest only in channels that
actually drive sales.

The GDPR and GA Connector

We at GA Connector take privacy very seriously and are fully compliant with the EU requirements. For more information read how GA Connector complies with GDPR.


What our customers say about the results that GA Connector helped them achieve

Stop paying for leads that don't
convert to dollars

Integrate your CRM with Google Analytics today!

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