GA Connector Adds Analytics Data to Leads and Opportunities in Your CRM


A website visitor comes to
your website and fills out one of your
web forms.


The integration code on your website identifies the source, medium and other Google Analytics information about this visitor.


The form submission automatically includes this Google Analytics information as soon as it appears in your CRM.

GA Connector tracks all known traffic sources

Google Ads campaigns and keywords

Track campaigns, keywords, ad groups, landing pages, and more.

Facebook Ads and other paid traffic

Track campaigns, ads, landing pages, and more.

Organic, Social, Referral and more

GA Connector tracks all known traffic sources

Report on Revenue for each Campaign, Channel and Keyword

Depending on the CRM, GA Connector provides either built-in reports, or instructions to quickly build your own

Bring Your CRM Closed Deals into Google Analytics to See What's Driving Revenue

GA Connector imports stats on closed deals from Salesforce, Pipedrive, Hubspot, and Zoho CRM, allowing you to see deals closed by your sales team in Google Analytics (including GA4)

Zoho CRM logo Pipedrive logo Pipedrive logo Hubspot logo

CRM to Google Analytics add-on is available for Salesforce, Pipedrive, Hubspot, and Zoho CRM users

GA4 Report with GA Connector

Stop paying for leads that don't convert to revenue

Integrate your CRM with Google Analytics today!

Start a Free Trial Now